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Bangalore. I had forgotten this city for many years, and now, eight years later, I found myself here once again. Standing beside my jet, I was taking in the view of the city when one of my men called out to me.


I turned towards the voice and saw my two managers, Raj and Rahul, who managed my business in India. I glanced at my branded diamond watch, which showed ten o'clock in the morning. My jet had landed just ten minutes ago, and for the past ten minutes, I had been engrossed in observing the city. This city had taken everything from me and now I had returned to remind and now I had to erase people of their existence.

Oh, I should get going. Someone's death awaits me.

I headed towards my waiting car. As I walked towards the car, I noticed a girl who had been staring at me for some time.

Her lustful big black eyes were fixed on me.


She only tried to stare at me and didn't attempt to touch me. If she had, I might have separated her soul from her body.

Because I have a deep hatred for women. and the whole world knows this.

I got into my car and set off for the place where someone's death awaited me.

Death. It's my favorite thing - giving people death, making them suffer, torturing them until they beg for death in front of me.

In a dark room, Vivian sat on a wooden chair, his cold gaze fixed on someone. But who? It was the man seated on an iron chair in front of Vivian, bound with iron chains. The man's clothes were torn, blood gushing from his mouth, and whip marks on his body were evidence of the severe torture he had endured.

The man's face lit up when Vivian, with his cold eyes, lit a lighter. "Where is he?" Vivian asked in a chilling voice.

The man screamed, "You'll never get what you want, Singhania! Never!" and spat on the barren floor.

"Boss, he won't snill so easily," one of the two men's said.

"If you say, Boss, we'll cut him up and dispose of him," the other man suggested.

Just then, a man entered the room with a file. "Boss, these are all the details. The names of those three men are here. This one is named Nelson," he said, handing the file to Vivian.

Vivian pushed the file aside with one hand and, rising from his chair, asked again, "I don't give second chances, but I'm giving you one. Consider yourself lucky. You have ten seconds, just ten seconds to spill the truth, or in the eleventh second, your soul will be torn from your body in such a way that people will shudder at the cruelty of your death."

The man laughed, "Do whatever you want. You won't get what you're looking for, and you won't find those diamonds either." He seemed unafraid of his impending death.

Vivian gave a cunning smile and approached the man. Placing one foot on the iron chair, he crushed the man's hand. "So, you've decided not to tell. Well then, enjoy your death," he said, lighting the lighter once more. He signaled with two fingers for his men to leave.

The men nodded and left. What remained in the room was the fear that emerged, visible in Vivian's cold blue eyes illuminated by the lighter.


Before Nelson could finish his sentence, guards entered with a container. They placed it in front of the man. Now, his very soul trembled at the sight of boiling oil in the container.

"I-I'll tell you," Nelson whimpered.

Vivian laughed. "I told you, no one gets a second chance, and now, certainly not." He turned to his men and signaled.

"Torture him in this oil until his body is burnt to ashes and his soul leaves his body," Vivian commanded, sitting back in his chair.

The men came forward and, within moments, stripped Nelson of his clothes and im boiling oil. Nelson's the screams echoed through every comer of the room.

Vivian listened to the screams, legs crossed on the chair. Before leaving the room, he lit the lighter one last time and threw it into the container. With a loud explosion, And Vivian left.

As the Rolls Royce came to a halt in front of the towering building, A Person peered out from the tinted windows, his gaze cold and calculating. The two Mercedes flanking his car seemed insignificant in comparison to the aura of power emanating from the Rolls Royce.

The building, with its sleek glass exterior, stood as a testament to modernity and wealth. But to Man, it was merely another pawn in his game of dominance.

As the door opened and his bodyguards dispersed around him, Man stepped out, his presence commanding attention. His eyes, hidden behind dark sunglasses, surveyed the surroundings with a predatory gleam, taking in every detail with meticulous precision.

The young man who emerged from the car was not just anyone. He was Vivian, a figure shrouded in mystery and darkness, his very presence casting a shadow over those around him. His fair complexion and sharp features belied the darkness that lurked within, a darkness that seemed to seep from his very pores.

With each step he took towards the building, Vivian's aura of power grew stronger, his dark intentions hidden beneath a veneer of sophistication. To those who knew him, Vivian was not to be trifled with, his name whispered in fear and reverence alike.

As he read the name "Tri S Fox" inscribed on the building, Vivian's lips curled into a sinister smile. Behind the faรงade of luxury and success, he sensed the opportunities that lay waiting to be exploited, the power waiting to be seized.

In Vivian's eyes, the world was a chessboard, and he was the master strategist, always one step ahead of his opponents.


Age Six

As the woman parked her car in front of the imposing building, her young child gazed up at the name engraved on the board with keen interest. The child's eyes remained fixed on the board, even as his mother spoke to him.

"Mom, why is this building named Tri S Fox?" the child inquired, his gaze still fixed on the board.

The woman, also studying the name on the board, turned to her son and explained, "Your dad gave this name. It means three cunning foxes."

"But Mom, what does the 'S' mean?" the child persisted, seeking further clarification.

The woman sat down next to her son, placing her hand on his small one, and said, "It's a surname," then, leaning forward, she added, "Promise me that even after becoming the owner of this empire, you will never change the name of this company."

The child smiled and placed his hand in his mother's, saying, "I promise, Mom, but..."

Before the child could finish his sentence, the woman interjected, "No more questions. Let's go inside. Your dad is waiting for us."

Flashback End

The child in the scene wasn't anyone none other than "Vivian Singhania."

Looking at the building, an odd smile crossed Vivian's face, suggesting it could be a plot, a moment of peace, or an impending storm - only time could tell the purpose behind that smile and what it intended to take away from someone. Vivian still seemed lost in thought.

Suddenly, one of the two men standing nearby grabbed his blazer, saying, "Boss, we should go."

"Hmm," Vivian responded quietly as he walked inside.

As they entered the building, everyone in the hall stared at the sweating, bewildered figure, creating an uneasy silence amidst the noisy environment.

"G-Good morning, Mr. Vivian," the receptionist struggled to articulate the words.

Meanwhile, Vivian fixed his sharp gaze on the receptionist and, without uttering a word, moved forward. The two men accompanying him entered the hall with Vivian, swiping their cards and entering the lift with him.

As the man pressed the 28th floor button, he voiced his concern, "Boss, the company is running at a significant loss."

"I am well aware, Raj," Vivian replied, taking his blazer from him as the elevator reached the 28th floor.

"Summon everyone to the conference room, Rahul, Right Now," he instructed, striding confidently towards his luxurious cabin.

Conference Room,

Approximately 15 people were seated in the conference room, each displaying clear signs of fear. They had been called to the room without any explanation, adding to their anxiety. One reason for this fear was the return of the company's real owner from Bangalore, and now everyone wanted to know why Vivian had been summoned back to Bangalore. Amidst murmurs and whispers, the conference room door opened, and Vivian entered. All eyes were fixed on him as he took his seat at the head of the table.

"The real Boss of this company is here now. So it would be best for all of you to retire from this company," he remarked, looking at the person sitting beside him.

"Oh, so now my son wants to retire me," the man chuckled, "I know, Vivian, this company is yours, and you are the owner. But what's this way of talking to your father?" That man tone had become quite stern.

At this, Vivian tilted his head and fixed his sharp gaze on the man, "Are you talking about manners? After I leave from here, what happened that our company went into loss? So, I would like to ask you now, Mr. Indra Ahuja, what is your way of managing the company?"

With anger in his voice, Indra retorted, "Do what you have to do. I also see how you manage this company." With that, he got up from his seat without wasting a moment and left the conference room.

After Indra left, Vivian glanced at everyone present, "So the real Boss is here. It would be better for all of you to focus on your work and try to cover up the losses." With these final words, he left the conference room.

Time passed,

Vivian's car stopped in front of a grand mansion with sturdy walls. Written on it in large letters was:

Ahuja Mansion,

Vivian lowered the car window and began to read the name carefully. After a few moments, the car moved forward at his signal, and a large iron gate opened in front of them. Two guards standing in front of it bowed as they saw Vivian's car, and the car began to enter. Passing through a vast lawn, filled with green grass and rose bushes emitting their fragrance in the air, they reached an aluminum cluster waterfall fountain. In which at night, colorful lights would illuminate the fountain, adding to its charm.

In front of the fountain, there was a large gate leading to Vivian's villa. His car stopped in front of the gate, and Raj and Rahul got out of the car.

As Raj opened the back seat door, Vivian stepped out of the car and glanced at the house. Then, he walked inside.

Upon entering the luxurious villa, they were greeted by a very large hall. In front of them were two staircases leading to the upper floors, and the theme of the hall's was coffee brown. Between the staircases on both sides of the hall was a glass-walled elevator leading to the upper floors.

The villa had 6 floors. The third floor belonged to Vivian. The fourth and fifth floors were unoccupied and always closed. The second floor belonged to Indra Ahuja and his wife, and the first floor was for the rest of the family members, while the ground floor was for the servants.

Vivian's floor was designed differently. It had a study room, library, gym, and a lawn with a rocking chair and a glass table. The lawn was adorned with black rose flowers and lush green grass. There were also two empty rooms on that floor, which were always locked.

That floor was always kept clean, with the servants regularly cleaning it. On the left side of the ground floor, there was a bar counter always stocked with liquor bottles, and on the right side, there was a dining room made of glass walls. The entire villa was mostly made of glass walls.

At every corner of the villa, there were vases of black rose flowers, which were changed daily by the servants. And in front of the hall, there was a large picture of a woman on the front wall.

(A mysterious picture)

In the hall,

A girl of about twenty was standing. In front of her, Indra Ahuja was sitting on the sofa, with one leg over the other like a king, and beside him, a woman sat lost in deep thought. Vivian glanced at the three of them as he entered and headed towards the lift.

I walked in, casting a quick, dismissive glance at the three people inside.

I had no interest in meeting them.

So I was making my way toward the elevator when Indra's voice reached my ears.

"Aren't you going to meet your family, Vivian?" Indra said .

I turned around and glared at him. "What family are you talking about?"

"Your mother and sister, whom you've forgotten," he replied.

My mom and sister huh.

"Hmm... The same family that knows nothing about me, and I have no interest in knowing anything about them," I said, my voice cold.

A girl standing a few steps away smiled and approached me. "Hello, brother. I'm Roshni, your younger sister."

"Vivian Sin...,"

Why should I tell my real identity?

"Vivian Ahuja." I said.

Though I had no interest in sharing my identity with those I had forgotten.

I didn't want to stay there for another moment. I walked into my room, changed my clothes, and immediately made my way to the study room.


When I entered the dining hall, Indra and Roshni were already seated at the dining table, perhaps waiting for my arrival. I ignored them and took a seat at the head chair.

In no time, the servants served everyone their food, and everyone began to dine.

"Vivian, Mr. Khanna is coming tomorrow," Indra said, taking a bite of his food.

"I don't care," I replied, my attention focused on my plate.

"If you don't care, Vivian, then learn to. He's coming for your wedding. You know, you only have six months left to turn 29, so I want you to marry his daughter," Indra's tone was firm as he uttered these words.

Hearing this, my hand paused on my plate.

Lifting my head, I stared at Indra, "Why only Khanna's daughter? Why not any other girl?" My question was met with silence.

"Vivian, this property is crucial for us. We can't just hand it over to any wrong girl. Besides, Khanna is my childhood friend, and his daughter is excellent, cultured, and suitable for you. She'll be a great match for you, Vivian. Trust me," Indra said, intertwining his hands on the table.

Trust on you, huh.

Marrige was something I never wanted .

As I've mentioned before, I have a strong aversion to women's. But to save this property, which I had to come here for, I'll have to get married.

"Okay, when is the wedding?" I finally spoke after a brief moment of silence.

My father remained silent at my question, and I knew the reason for his silence was my question.

He had not expected me to agree to marriage so easily.

When I asked about the wedding date, Indra's silence spoke volumes, and for nearly thirty seconds, his gaze remained fixed on my face. I could almost decipher his thoughts.

Finally, breaking the silence, he said, "Khanna is coming tomorrow. Let him arrive, and then we'll discuss it together."

With a nonchalant "hmm," I rose from the table and made my way back to my room.

Dialing a number, I instructed My manager

"Get to the Ahuja Mansion right away," I commanded before ending the call, sinking into the rocking chair in my room, poised to engage with my phone.

Soon, there was a knock on the door. Granting permission, I watched as Lucy entered.

"Someone wants to meet you, sir," she informed me.

"Send them in," my eyes fixated on the phone screen.

"Okay, sir," Lucy replied before leaving.

Shortly after, My third manager keden entered and greeted me with a respectful

"Yes, boss."

As I swayed on my rocking chair, a sinister grin crept onto my face. "Kaden, find a girl within a week... one who's an orphan, with no one to shield her, Whom We Can kill

after the work is done." I commanded. Kaden acknowledged and departed .

To Be Continued. . .

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